Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Field Fun: A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

While it might be obvious that October is a great month for a field trip to the pumpkin patch, it doesn't make sense not to include the idea.  Not only will your kids get to pick out their pumpkins for carving, but at an actual pumpkin patch, they can also see a little about how the pumpkins actually grow.  Purchases are also often made based on weight or size so a little lesson in measurement of weights or volumes can occur while you are there briefly and then again upon your return home.

The big lesson can be in finances though.  Give your kids their budget for a pumpkin and let them have total say in the matter.  Many pumpkin patches will open this month with all kinds of extra fun too.  Some places have rides and all kinds of things to do and treats to eat.  If you give them just enough for a small pumpkin plus a few trips on the roller coaster and an ice cream, they just might learn a little something about figuring out what is important first, and then spending accordingly.  When I do this with Alice, I tell her I will cover basic food and water.  If she blows her entire budget on one thing and cant get the ice cream, I DO NOT SAVE HER.  She doesn't get the ice cream then or the lesson doesn't work.

The pumpkin patch is fraught with opportunities if you're watching for them, you find them.  At the same time, make sure to just have a lot of fun too.
When you get home and are carving your pumpkin, young children especially can benefit from the sensory experience involved with pulling out the seeds and "gunck" inside the pumpkin.  Try these activities as a follow up to your super-fun day at the pumpkin patch.

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